Affirmations for parents of newborns

It might sound a little woo but this can be a challenging period for many families so having some phrases you may repeat to yourself when dysregulated can be extremely grounding and helpful.

I encourage families and couples to come up with at least three variations that resonates with them but if you need inspiration, here are some of my favourites:

“Parenting feels hard because it is hard; I am a good parent/mom/dad even when I make mistakes”

“Baby crying/not sleeping well is not a reflection of me or my ability to parent. Babies are going to baby, and that is okay”

“Baby/he/she is not giving me a hard time. They are having a hard time”

“I am new to this child and this child is new to me. It is okay if things don’t feel perfect. We are all learning together”

“Only good parents worry whether they are being good parents. My best is good enough”


Sundown Syndrome